For any and all readers who are new to the site, let me quickly explain what my site name is all about.

According to, the definition of schadenfreude is “satisfaction or pleasure felt at someone else’s misfortune”. This is loosely taken from the German schaden (“harm”) and freude (“joy”).

Schadenfreude is one of my favorite terms. The sense of humor that I’ve developed over the last several years is this in a nutshell. I do want to clarify that this doesn’t apply to everyone. When bad things happen to people that I love, or good friends of mine, or people in pop culture that I happen to like, then I don’t find that funny at all. I’m not a totally heartless bastard. But when bad things happen to jerks, to the bottomfeeders of society, to pointless and mean-spirited idiots and liars, I find that INCREDIBLY funny. I don’t just find delight in their misfortune – I root for it.

So I’m the Schadendude. And the Dude abides. But he also laughs when idiots get what’s coming to them.