Posts from the ‘Republicans’ Category

Fox News – HOPING for a terrorist attack? How patriotic.

Ok, I PROMISE that this will be my last politically-associated post for a while. I didn’t intend to write this, but I came across a video clip and just had to touch upon it.

Now, I can’t actually insert the clip on this blog, as I haven’t sprung for WordPress’s video upgrade. But let me give you the gist of it. Two men are talking on the Glenn Beck show on Fox “News”. One of them is, as you might assume, Glenn Beck. Mr. Beck is one of the newer Fox News commentators to get his own show, but he’s much like the others. He’s a hypocritical conservative windbag of the worst order, the kind that flaunts his supposed patriotism while actually displaying none. He’s a loudmouth jerk, who gets red as a fire truck when angry and has actually broken down like a little girl on numerous broadcasts. He’s a chest-beating, Bible thumping, global warming-denying, jingoistic halfwit. So that’s Glenn Beck.

The man he’s speaking with is Michael Scheuer. You most probably have not heard of this guy. In fact, nobody did until a few years ago, as he was an undercover CIA analyst for many years and part of the operation to capture Osama bin Laden. He is now an analyst for CBS News. He’s also batsh*t insane. I mean, he was a guest on Glenn Beck’s show. Did you expect otherwise?

READ what this nut has to say and what he hopes happens to the United States. SEE Glenn Beck, the supposed patriot, say next to nothing in his response. SHUDDER at the stupidity. WONDER why these two aren’t arrested for violating Dubya’s beloved Patriot Act that Republicans love so much. TRY to suppress the vomit. Now, you can’t really tell what this exchange is in reference to, but read it and see if you can figure it out. Good luck…

Scheuer: The only chance we have as a country right now is for Osama bin Laden to deploy and detonate a major weapon in the United States. Because it’s going to take a grass-roots, bottom-up pressure. Because these politicians prize their office, prize the praise of the media and the Europeans. It’s an absurd situation again. Only Osama can execute an attack which will force Americans to demand that their government protect them effectively, consistently, and with as much violence as necessary.

Beck: Which is why, I was thinking this weekend, if I were him, that would be the last thing I would do right now.

And what was this “absurd situation” that Michael Scheuer hates so much that he’s eagerly anticipating a nuclear strike? Illegal immigration.

Yep, you heard right.To whip this country back into shape, vis a vis illegal immigrants, Michael Scheuer (unhinged psychopath) wants bin Laden to set off a nuke and vaporize a few hundred thousand innocent people. That sounds totally reasonable. Uh huh. And Glenn Beck, who has stood on his set in front of a video screen full of American flags and sobbed like a little baby about how much he loves his country, doesn’t bat an eye.

To show that this wasn’t an isolated incident of this lunatic giving an interview while hypoglycemic or perhaps in the early stages of Tourette’s, here’s an excerpt from a quaint little article that Mr. Scheuer wrote in The Washington Post (a.k.a. conservative rag) —

The Republicans do not have the votes to stop Obama, and the world will not be safer for America because the president abandons interrogations to please his party’s left wing and the European pacifists it so admires. Both are incorrigibly anti-American, oppose the use of force in America’s defense and — like Obama — naively believe that the West’s Islamist foes can be sweet-talked into a future alive with the sound of kumbaya.

Some people really fall for this crap. Some people seriously think this way. A man can get a video interview on a national cable news channel and say that he’s eagerly anticipating a major terrorist attack, as it is our country’s “only chance” to pull itself together. Meanwhile, the host, who has sent himself into apoplexies of sorrow while live on the air regarding the subject of SEPTEMBER 11TH, does nothing! No outrage. No insistence that Mr. Scheuer take back what he said and apologize. He just sits there and basically says “yeah, pretty much”. What a joke. What a pity. As far as I’m concerned, this Scheuer character should be locked up for treason and Beck should be locked up for aiding treasonous activities. Of course, I know that won’t happen, but you can bet that Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly would be whipping themselves into a frenzy right now if this had happened anywhere besides a Fox News show. Sigh.

Who caused the recession? Why, the gays, of course!

“WHEREAS, the people of Oklahoma have a strong tradition of reliance upon the Creator of the Universe; and

WHEREAS, we believe our economic woes are consequences of our greater national moral crisis; and

WHEREAS, this nation has become a world leader in promoting abortion, pornography, same sex marriage, sex trafficking, divorce, illegitimate births, child abuse, and many other forms of debauchery; and

WHEREAS, alarmed that the Government of the United States of America is forsaking the rich Christian heritage upon which this nation was built; and

WHEREAS, grieved that the Office of the president of these United States has refused to uphold the long held tradition of past presidents in giving recognition to our National Day of Prayer; and

WHEREAS, deeply disturbed that the Office of the president of these United States disregards the biblical admonitions to live clean and pure lives by proclaiming an entire month to an immoral behavior;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that we the undersigned elected officials of the people of Oklahoma, religious leaders and citizens of the State of Oklahoma, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world, solemnly declare that the HOPE of the great State of Oklahoma and of these United States, rests upon the Principles of Religion and Morality as put forth in the HOLY BIBLE.”


So says the “Proclamation for Morality” put forth by Oklahoma Representative Sally Kern (a.k.a. Closet Lesbo) this week in response to the REAL source of the U.S.A.’s economic woes – those damn GAYS! It is a nauseating and offensive piece of “legislation” that I did not alter in any way, shape, or form. As much as this appears to be satire, this hag is 100% serious.


The hag in question

Yessir, you heard right, the nation’s current economic crisis stems from our “greater national moral crisis”. According to Ms. Kern, what it boils down to is that the queers have infested this great Christian nation of ours and, in doing so, have unleashed a torrent of evil upon us. This has led to the U.S.A. becoming “a world leader in promoting abortion, pornography, same sex marriage, sex trafficking, divorce, illegitimate births, child abuse, and many other forms of debauchery”.

I’d love to hear how the U.S. “promotes” abortion. I’d love to hear that argument. That would be a hoot. I want some self-righteous Bible-thumper to tell me how somebody going to the abortion clinic after finding out that their baby has a incurable condition and, if born, would live for a couple weeks as a mindless vegetable in constant pain, is helping to “promote” abortion. Of course, it does not. Saying that it does is a knee-jerk reaction from people who think that because they’ve “found Jesus”, that they are endowed with a superior knowledge of ethics. It’s absurd. But wait! We also “promote” porn, sex trafficking, divorce, illegitmate births, and child abuse. Now, let me ask you? Which of those five things that I just mentioned is viewed in mainstream circles as being a “good thing”? How about zero. Ms. Kern, how does the United States and its “debauched” current government “promote” child abuse? Are you off your meds?

You might have noticed I skipped one – same-sex marriage. Ms. Kern, do you have any familiarity with the countries of Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, South Africa, Spain, or Sweden? Have you heard of any of those places? Those are the seven countries in the world that currently allow same-sex marriage. Do you notice which country is NOT on that list? Yeah, the U.S. We currently do NOT allow same-sex marriage. And really, thank GOD! Can you even imagine living in one of those God-forsaken hellholes? I guess I’ll have to cancel any upcoming trips to Spain, lest a marauding gang of f*gs attacks me and tries to choke me out with their rainbow-patterned matador capes. And they don’t call them Canadian MOUNTIES for no reason, right Ms. Kern? Eh? Eh? Am I right?

But instead of finding all the gays, rounding them up, and throwing them into the cages on Alcatraz and Guantanamo Bay where they belong, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama have both had the GALL and AUDACITY to proclaim in 2000 and 2009, respectively, that June would officially be LGBT Month. Or as Ms. Kern likes to call it – “proclaiming an entire month of immoral behavior”. One gets the sense that she kinda misses the point. Calling it an entire month of immoral behavior leads one to suppose that she thinks the gays will celebrate with a month-long, nonstop gay orgy. I wonder if Ms. Bigot also particularly dislikes Black History Month. We all know the crisis we faced in February when all the black people severely depleted the United States’ chicken and collard greens reserves with their month-long black folks picnic.

Kern then ends her proclamation by appealing to the “Supreme Judge” for help and reiterates that only by living our lives through the “HOLY BIBLE!!1! ALL CAPS! BLARRRGGHHH!”, will our country save itself from the eternal fires of damnation. That’s because, according to Ma Kettle, The United States has a “rich Christian heritage”. Never mind that many of the Founding Fathers, including Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, Thomas Paine, and John Adams were most certainly not Christians in ANY sense of the word. Some were deists (as in believing in a creating force behind the Universe, but not God or the tenets of Christianity) and some were flat-out atheists. It’s quite easy to find quotes from Jefferson and Franklin, who many Christians say were paragons of Christianity (while not actually doing any research) just absolutely SLAMMING Christianity. A lot of these guys weren’t Christians. A lot of these guys HATED, MOCKED, and RIDICULED Christianity. This perpetual myth that the United States was founded by a group of pious Christians is utter nonsense.

I’ll leave you with a quote from Mrs. No Wire Hangers from March 16, 2008. These are her words, verbatim —

“I honestly think that [homosexuality]’s the biggest threat even, that our nation has, even more so than terrorism or Islam, which I think is a big threat. Matter of fact, studies show that no society that has totally embraced homosexuality has lasted more than, you know, a few decades. So it’s the death knell of this country.”

I think this pretty well proves that nothing’s worse than a bigoted, knee-jerk hatemonger, except maybe a bigoted, knee-jerk hatemonger with a limited grasp of his/her native language. Besides sounding like she’s afflicted with diarrhea of the mouth and a bad case of rambling-idiot-itis, she cites “studies” that sound about as likely to be true as me gaining the ability to crap gold nuggets. I can say that “studies” show that I’m the awesomest guy on the planet. Does that make it true? No, it makes me a loudmouth tool. Like you, Mrs. Stepford Wife. But it’s good to know that once countries let them gays have the most basic human rights, they are sure to COLLAPSE WITHIN 30 YEARS!!! Huh? I know an awful lot of history and I can’t recall any country ceasing to exist due to an extreme case of “the gay”. I don’t know whether I should treat you like a sad, pitiable clown with foot-in-mouth disease or a heartless Nazi – because you exhibit traits of both. But you can thank your God that you live in the South, Ms. Kern. It’s the only corner of the country that you could get away with such blatant hate speech and still get elected to office. Do both of us a favor – stay down there. And grow up.
